Today I Choose


Every day I make choices.  Even if someone else is choosing and I go along with it, a choice is made.  My lack of a choice or failure to make a choice is still a choice.

I don’t recall when I first started using the hashtag #TodayIChoose but it so accurately fits my journey.  I am focused on making choices that improve my health, strengthen my faith and my body so that I am ready and able if and when I am needed to serve, in whatever capacity that may be.

  • #TodayIChoose to push my boundaries of faith by starting to read and apply The Purpose Driven Life.
  • #TodayIChoose to push my boundaries on fitness by completing one full circuit of strength and body work.  I can’t be strong if I don’t build muscle. No excuses, no whining.
  • #TodayIChoose to zero in on my food by spending time to create a menu and prep for the next three days of healthy eating and targeting my macros.

    What do you choose today?